Monday, August 8, 2011

New Country, New Rules

I don't know how, but i have somehow managed to cross an ocean, 2 continents and 7315 miles in a span of 24hours and just a couple of drinks. It feels good. No home sickness, till now. The weather is same as back in Delhi, maybe a couple of months too soon. People are nice and the streets are clean. Cars are fast and the life slow. The commercials are different but the message same. In a world infected with globalization and mass production, this small human being will be as much as at home as he was back in delhi. Well, at least thats what i am hoping for. It wont be long before i realize the hard truth - I'm no more the majority. I am an alien, a foreigner, an uninvited guest who has clearly forgotten his place in the pecking order. But till that day comes, and it will come someday, i will take in as much as i can and give back equally. Let this day mark a new beginning, a fresh page in my book of life. And for all of you who are watching-"Fasten your seatbelt madam and messieurs, its going to be a bumpy ride."