Sunday, June 8, 2008

Q. Last movie you saw in a theater ?

A. Sarkar Raj

Q. What book are you reading ?

A. Shantaram

Q. Favorite board game ?

A. Monoply, checkers, Snakes and Ladders, Life

Q. Favorite magazine ?

A. Sportsstar, Topgear
Q. Favorite Smell ?

A. Mud after rain, Hugo Boss Energise, Chocolate

Q. Favorite Sound ?

A. Engine reving, Parrot's

Q. The worst feeling in the world ?

A. Waiting for results
Q. The first thing you think of/say when you wake up ?

A. 5 more min plz....ok i sleep an extra hour tonight. I should really start sleeping early from now on.

Q. Favorite Fast Food place ?

A. KFC, Subway

Q. Future child's name ?

A. Fuck Thy Name
Q. 'If I had a lot of money, I would...' Complete this sentence -

A. Get the best of everything for everyone i love

Q. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal ?

A. No No No No....Kocher ma'am does just fine!

Q. Storm - Cool or Scary ?

A. Goosebumping cool!(is it a valid expression?)

Q. Favorite Drink ?

A. Double Vodka neat, Thandai

Q. Finish this sentence - 'If I had the time, I would..'

A. Sleep a little more, Catch up with old friends

Q. Do you eat the stems on Broccoli ?

A. NO!!!

Q. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice ?

A. Frost

Q. Favorite Sport to watch ?

A. Football- Tennis- F1

Q. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you ?

A. Never leaves my side.

Q. What's under your bed ?

A. My sportsstars and beer bottles!!!

Q. Would you like to be born as yourself again ?

A. Yes. But a little modified.

Q. Morning person or Night Owl ?

A. Night Owl

Q. Over Easy or Sunny side up ?

A. Over Easy

Q. Favorite place to relax ?

A. Home

Q. Favorite Pie/Mithai ?

A. Mud Pie/Chena murgi, Kalakand, Kaju katli

Q. Favorite Ice Cream flavor ?

A. Milk Chocolate Chip

Q. Of all the people you tagged this to, who is most likely to respond first ?

A. No one, i'll spare them of the pain.