Thursday, October 4, 2007


If only it was so simple. If only there would have been a button you pressed and everything around you would stop for a while, and you could compose yourself. Life has been a passing moment for me lately, like that cat that passes bye and you see it through the corner of your eye....well for me that cat have been opportunities. Opportunities to bend life in a different direction, opportunities to make some one feel good, some one to be put at ease. My life is like an open art exhibition, each painting telling a different story but all together forming an ugly mix of colors.
My dad once said that part of the beauty of life lies in its unexpectedness -- enjoy it!!! But how can you enjoy something you cannot adequately understand? And i do not understand life. I had all these options, i still do, yet i can't make myself take the right step. Maybe cause i don't thing its right, maybe cause it will bring more pain than joy, maybe cause its just too difficult. I won't claim to be the happiest man alive, but yes i'm somewhere down the list.
There are apologies to be made, reasons to be heard, old plans to be executed, new ones to be chalked out. But sometimes life doesn't wait, it strains at the reins of patience, it dismisses tradition to find its own particular way. So, i just move along with it, not stopping to think twice. I wish i did.
So for now, i think i will sit back and let myself make these mistakes, find a new way to look at life. I'll just stand in the crowd and pretend to be a part of it but somewhere deep in my head there will be Chris Martin singing a song i think was made just for me....

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you...

Maybe that pause button idea is not so bad after all!!!


Vivek Bijlwan said...

well i think there is nothing to be fixed because most of us seem to be feeling the same.

PS: your blog shows really wonderful ads by google:::

right now it is showing a link to

lost2bfound said...

Well dude i have heard that fertility miracle can do wonders to your life. and maybe it WILL FIX ME!!

Vivek Bijlwan said...

wonder whats happened to you in the past few years...

my sympathies...

Pooja said...

it has never taken me so long to comment on a post by you. you even had to remind me.

perhaps its because i was confused and unhappy myself, that i didn't know what to say to you. but things suddenly look up.

why ?

i have written blogposts about sadness. cried. but the only thing that can fix me or you or anybody is action. do those things on that list. don't run away. work harder. love more. sleep less :) laugh at yourself.

maybe i just sound stupid because for now and hopefully some time to follow, i am wearing rose-tinted glasses. but i think i am right. i think this is how i am here.

and, chris martin must be the most perfect man. you want to be him. i want him. saumya wants him. but what do we do about gwyneth paltrow ?

thank you for trying to understand and making me happy.