Friday, November 30, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Found Missing

The strangest thing happened to me last night.
You all might thing i'm crazy. Exaggerating. But the events that i'm going to pen down have neither been subdued or spiced up for your reading pleasure. In fact, the reason behind this blogpost, if i can be honest, is to document last night for future reference.

Last night i went to see a movie, Mirror Mirror, around 8pm. As movie theatre custom dictates, i bought by drink and popcorn before entering the movie hall. This is the last use of my wallet i recollect. After the movie ended, i came back home. The moment i entered my house, i had a sudden urge to check my wallet for my card and other valuables i carry around.
Putting the thought aside, i went in for a shower. When i came out, i again had the same urge. This time, i decided to entertain the notion. But it turned out that my wallet was nowhere to be seen. At this point, i'd like to point out that i am a very methodological person when it comes to making a mess. I leave things at the same spot every time. So i didn't panic and set about looking for my wallet. When i couldn't find it in anyplace i would have generally found it loitering around with other household items, i began to panic. A little.
I called up my friend and asked her to search her car for my missing entity. The result was negative. I rushed down to the theatre. The news wasn't satisfactory. I retraced my steps back from the theatre. Even looked in the trash can. No sign.
I called up 911 and reported my lost pouch. I called my bank and had my card blocked. I made a few calls, shared my burden and finally facing the truth of loosing my first wallet, i went to bed.
I woke up with a strange dream. I was looking for my wallet, i had torn the house down and finally found it in my college bag. I turned on the radio and thought of my dream. Not possible, i said to myself. I hadn't  touched my bag since friday night.
Frustrated with myself, i started cleaning my room up. I cleaned up all junk, placed things where they looked less messy, torn receipts now rested in the dust bin. I turned to my college bag. I started emptying it out, tearing bits of paper, filing up homework sheets and then, i unzipped my front pocket. And there it was! my lost wallet!
I literally pinched myself, figuratively did a jiggle dance. Just to confirm my discovery, i made my roommate cheek my id and confirm that what i was looking at was not a wallet oasis. It wasn't. I had found my wallet. I was happy and scared.
What did the dream mean? How did my wallet reach my bag when i hadn't touched it the whole day?
I don't no what to make out of this, but what i do know, is that i will need to read this blogpost again when the time comes. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Chicago airport. Just like it was shown in Home Alone. Ahh....childhood memories. I mean movies.